Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Genre-Blending Cthulhu Mythos Books on the Horizon

Permuted Press, long known for churning out high quality books featuring the undead, has just posted the covers and contents for two new Cthulhu Mythos anthologies to its blog. Slated for release late this year, these promising collections of new Mythos tales look set to broaden the experiments of recent years by other publishers like Elder Signs Press. Hardboiled Cthulhu, High Seas Cthulhu, and Frontier Cthulhu put out by Elder Signs the past couple years share one commonality: they are all specialized anthologies of niche-themed Mythos stories. Detectives, pirates, and unexplored frontiers comprise the frameworks for each of these books, respectively. Each of them also garnered high praise and rave reviews across the Lovecraftian community.

Now, Permuted Press appears to be thrusting out (intentionally or not) in pressing Lovecraft's creations to their limits. Scanning through the list of titles alone, a curious array of genre-blending pieces becomes obvious. Titles like "Noir-lathotep," "The Hindenburg Manifesto," "An Incident Occurring in the Huachuca Mountains, West of Tombstone," and "Abomination with Rice" hint at an appetizing mixture of genres. Cthulhu tossed together with history, nostalgia, sci-fi, western, and comedy is confirmed for the menu of these two books, with more included. Lovecraft fans and collectors would do well to watch these coming titles.

-Grim Blogger