Weird News: Strange Jellyfish in Icy Waters

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The BBC's "Earth News" recently published a freakishly delightful gallery and written expose on mysterious species of jellyfish discovered in the Arctic. Few other monstrosities on Earth can summon equal measures of revulsion and awe. Then again, the inhospitable environment the more fantastic breeds dwell in raises the persistent question of whether or not we are venturing too far off our placid islands of ignorance into the "black seas of infinity," as Lovecraft put it. However, Lovecraft--along with many others--believed man would not suffer a total psychotic meltdown resulting from Faustian knowledge until we are one day far in the depths of space. With oddities like these jellyfish, which may yet be only a small hint of what awaits us in the most frigid and black waters, one wonders if we will meet our strange match on our own world rather than abroad in the cosmos...

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