Photos of Dunwich Remnants

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I uncovered this Dunwich photo thread on the extensive "Temple of Dagon" Lovecraftian forums. This is, of course, not H.P. Lovecraft's Dunwich (despite looks to the contrary), but the remnants of a British town mostly lost to coastal erosion in Medieval times. Yes, the same Dunwich I recently posted a Weird News entry on here. These tastefully black and white pictures only confirm the imaginative desolation anyone reading the BBC article naturally would've expected of Dunwich.

Name aside, the whole of the grim coast lining the lonely structures contains a number of bizarre features. Widespread desertion, centuried church ruins, and even the remains of a leper colony dot the coast. Meanwhile, a collapsing shore, grimy ships, and the occasional skeleton uncovered by the shifting ground conjures up the best of Lovecraft's accursed Innsmouth, or Machen's prehistoric oddities in Britain. And if this Youtube video is any indication, the settlement contains impressive woodlands nearby, which would become as foreboding at night as they are handsome in the day.

Searching for more atmospheric goodness or historical information about the town? Then look no further than this entry on the Abandoned Communities website for Dunwich's history, and the unusual ghostly phenomena reported around Suffolk at Paranormal Database.

-Grim Blogger

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