Weird News: Britain's Lost Dunwich to Surface?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not only a sunken city in the news, but one called Dunwich?! Looks like a bizarre real life mismatch of H.P. Lovecraft's themes and settings. It seems British archaeologists are set to use advanced means to unveil the ruins of ancient Dunwich, the English equivalent of Atlantis. Of course, the Deep Ones will scurry off before the instruments sight them, as per usual. They'll only return to worship in the submerged Medieval churches that were lost after human scans have thoroughly ceased.

On this subject, it comes as a surprise that the erosion of the British coast hasn't spawned more weird tales. One of the best to date is Brian Lumley's "Fruiting Bodies," from a now outdated short story collection entitled Fruiting Bodies and Other Fungi. Amazon still has a few cheap paperback copies available from indie sellers for any interested. This piece, by the British author who's renowned for more than a few Cthulhu Mythos stories, was set in a decrepit English town suffering coastal erosion. As the name suggests, it involved a wayward son returning to his hometown, only to find it suffering said erosion, as well as a grotesque invasion by fungi horrid enough to rival Yuggoth growths.

Luckily, the rarity of stories utilizing lost cities and eroding coasts provide a scrumptious treat for the weird connoisseur when they do appear, especially when executed as skillfully as Mr. Lumley's story. Unfortunately, the scarcity remains too great to even whet our appetites. Let's hope there's a weird author out there reading this news article and wracking his brains for the appropriate oddities!

-Grim Blogger

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