"An Exhibition of Unspeakable Things" Continues to Inspire

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Inspired by the Maison d'Ailleurs ongoing "An Exhibition of Unspeakable Things," itself inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book, comes a new comic strip from "The Secret Knots" blog. It's a serialized web comic broken down from the outline of a written tale by the artist, Juan Santapau. The Chilean resident's gentle style is melded nicely with a modernized take on some entry from the The Commonplace Book, a vague collection of Lovecraft's ideas, dreams, and mental impressions. The current online strip was never submitted to the "Unspeakable Things" display, but still makes a worthy standalone product.

The exhibition itself will continue on until April 6th, 2008. The Sci-fi museum is located in Switzerland, which obstructs many of us from going. Luckily, several notable entries have been republished online via the blogs and websites of participants. Here are a few of the best:

-Grim Blogger

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