Creepy Image Round Up

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Having nothing better to blog about on a lazy Sunday, I thought I would share some chilling images collected from the nether regions of the internet. The picture above would probably fascinate Thomas Ligotti, or just terrify the multitudes who have a deep, painful fear of clowns. What could be worse than getting leered at by some demented jester in a dark hospital room?

This creature, composed from piles of military gear, would look right at home in the forgotten parts of the world. Chernobyl or the abandoned military bases in America's western deserts would be great hosts for such a malevolent being.

This statue of Buddha seemingly mirrors the period of asceticism experienced by the religious figure before he found a better path to Enlightenment. Though filled with religious significance, the starving Buddha statue is still very eerie. No doubt, emaciated symbols like these continue to guide the harsher, more secretive sects of the Far East, where monks have mummified themselves and tormented their bodies for centuries while hoping for a spiritual breakthrough.

Rumors around the internet suggest this work of art came from a patient in an insane asylum. True or not, it makes for a great story. And it's all too probable based on the highly disturbing features contained in the shadowy scratches of this image.

-Grim Blogger

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