H.P. Lovecraft's Ghost Haunting Brooklyn Apartment?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A haunted Brooklyn apartment? Ouija boards trying to make contact with Lovecraft's spirit? What's going on here?! A new article from the "New York Post" claims the current resident of H.P. Lovecraft's former place in New York is haunted, quite possibly by his ghost. If this is true, it must imply either a truly hellish or awfully boring afterlife for the weird writer. Lovecraft would have to be somehow imprisoned in his hated Brooklyn apartment or very bored to want to return there. The latter doesn't seem very likely, while the former is almost too terrible to contemplate.

On the other hand, the immense depression Lovecraft experienced in New York might play into some theories on ghosts. According to some, phantom "moods" may be strong enough to congeal into spirit-like presences and result in hauntings. This seemingly accounts for stories of individuals who say they have seen the ghosts of those not yet dead, or have seen and felt the deceased in multiple places at once.

Of course, the "New York Post" being the "Post" means there's more than sufficient reason to cast doubt on this tale of a famous haunting. But hey, it makes for one hell of a story. The story also includes a nice slide show featuring pictures of what Lovecraft's old apartment currently looks like. The place actually appears quite stylish! Though I doubt even a colonial Governor's palace in New York would be enough to make HPL want to spend eternity there. The few years lived in the city were a well known psychological tumor for H.P. Lovecraft. He fumed about everything in New York--the skyscrapers, the stench, and the immigrant hordes--and churned out some of his angriest, woe-ridden tales like "He," "Cool Air," and "The Horror at Red Hook."

Like Edgar Allan Poe and other great writers of horror, it shouldn't be surprising Lovecraft would be subjected to allegations of haunting sooner or later. Though this appears to be the first major instance of it. Here's an idea for a small press book: the posthumous visitations of H.P. Lovecraft (or at least the recorded claims of them).

-Grim Blogger

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