Weird News: Nightmarish Elbowed Squid Filmed from Oil Rig

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cthulhu? Unfortunately not. This monstrosity filmed by a deep sea oil rig's camera is all too real. The creature's tentacles are especially striking. Not only do they reach out aimlessly in the black waters, but they extend outward from "elbows." The segmented arms of these squid give them their exotic appearance very much in line with the weird. Perhaps I ought to do a post on Nature--the greatest weird artist of them all--one of these days.

Keep in mind that the squid burned onto film here is not part of the infamous "Giant Squid" species. Though with oil explorers delving deeper into the waters in increasingly strange locations, the day's probably not far off when a truly sanity shattering colossus is captured on film. Or, when one decides to do more to an oil rig than observe the camera...

National Geographic also has a high resolution slide show with squid pictures from the same clip here.

-Grim Blogger

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