H.P. Lovecraft's Essay on Cats Continues to Stir Controversy

Friday, April 24, 2009

It seems that H.P. Lovecraft's whimsical essay in which he asserts the superiority of felines over slovenly dogs is still generating responses. Nearly a century after it was written in 1926, "Cats and Dogs" has drawn a semi-lengthy commentary from the "Armagideon Time" here. With a mixture of humor, derision, and genuine contempt for Lovecraft's racial views, blogger Andrew Weiss adds his own thoughts to Lovecraft's own on the two popular pets. While it seems the furor over HPL's inability to live by the dictates of late 20th century multi-culturalism will never die down (some of which is expressed in this article), it's still highly interesting to see commentary on a non-fiction work by Lovecraft.

As S.T. Joshi has contended, there may come a time when Lovecraft will be remembered as much for his non-fiction work as for his weird tales. While "Cats and Dogs" probably won't rank high with his treatise-length letters on philosophical subjects, it is still a noteworthy piece for showcasing the unique wit Lovecraft occasionally conjured up in his life. Moreover, it is a testament to his almost legendary love of cats.

-Grim Blogger

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