Review Copy Submissions

Monday, September 21, 2009

Review submissions are indefinitely closed. Probably until 2012.

I would like to invite authors and publishers of weird fiction to submit review copies here. Books, magazines, journals, music, and films are welcome. If your work carries the weird label in the tradition of the greats--or pioneers new bizarre territory--then I want to see it. I am particularly interested in receiving newly published work from weird fiction writers by the small presses--the prime mill for much of weird fiction these days, and arguably the most promising for unmasking talent.


Snapshot of Grim Reviews' Pageviews from Dec. 2009-Dec. 2010. Wow!
If selected, your work will be exposed to thousands of potential viewers on one of weird fiction's premier platforms. From late 2009 to 2010, Grim Reviews had over 85,000 visitors (probably more, since Google Analytics is unable to measure every single visitor). There are plenty of other quality blogs and niche websites about the weird, but few have the net presence this site does.

Due to personal preferences, I prefer physical copies above all else, especially for written works. I will consider electronic submissions if your work is short, say fifty pages or so.

Submissions are exclusively oriented to weird fiction at this time. Please make sure you know what this is before you inquire. I will not review science fiction, fantasy, or mainstream/psychological horror unless it has a definite overlap with weird fiction. Note that some reviews may take several months to appear, if my inventory of review copies is already high.


You may inquire about submitting review material by e-mailing me: grimblogger at G mail dot com (formatted to deter spammers).

-Grim Blogger

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