W.H. Pugmire: New Blog, New Book

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, a longtime literary fixture of the Cthulhu Mythos, has proven quite busy lately. In the past few months, he has launched a new blog, Youtube channel, and completed publication of a new book. All of which is excellent news for the Lovecraftian community. Now, it's easier than ever to get a strong dose of Pugmire's Lovecraftian prose and fascinating wit.

Weird Inhabitants of Sesqua Valley, the author's latest Mythos collection, has just been released by Terradan Works. The title (as well as the contents, apparently) recalls Pugmire's earlier collection, Sesqua Valley and Other Haunts. The mythical Sesqua Valley has won the admiration of many Lovecraft fans since its inception, as Pugmire's treatment of it has been far more delicate and original than the average Arkham knockoff in Lovecraftian fiction. In fact, Pugmire's valley exhibits such bizarre figures and features that it resonates the atmosphere of H.P. Lovecraft. Thus, his latest collection ought to be a well sought one, especially in an age where Cthulhu Mythos fans have come to expect more from their Lovecraftian horrors.

In an effort to broaden his presence, it seems Pugmire has launched several new internet locations as well. His "Lovecraftian Horror" blog, which serves as an outlet for personal and authorial news, is perhaps the most important. Pugmire's MrWilum Youtube channel is another nexus established by the writer to provide original commentary on weird fiction and his related pursuits. As anyone acquainted with him might guess, his unique persona makes his videos as entertaining as they are informative.

-Grim Blogger

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