Isebrand on Weird Fiction and Machen

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The liberal politics and culture blog offers a perspective on weird fiction's foundation and influence on contemporary media that differs from the one usually echoed by commentators within the genre. In fact, the author prefers lurching away from the supernatural characterizing much of weird fiction. It may come as no surprise, then, that he focuses upon Machen's war stories like "The Bowmen" and vanguard artists of the new weird such as China Mieville as favorable representatives of the weird. The post also does a fine job of narrowing the definition of weird literature for unfamiliar readers--clearly distinguishing it from the fantasies of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Though one wonders how the author would feel about the place Lord Dunsany often occupies, blurring the realm of fantasy and the weird?

-Grim Blogger

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