The Ooze Talk Radio Show
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Ooze is a talk radio show that started earlier this year, notable here for its discussion of H.P. Lovecraft and other subjects relevant to the weird. It's hosted by "Beast" and "Venger" at noon (central time) every Saturday. Venger is the short form of Venger Satanis, a name that has stirred a mixture of interest and controversy for several years. This is, in fact, Darrick Dishaw's alter-ego/mystical name(?), the real Cult of Cthulhu's High Priest.
Aside from his fledgling cult that seeks to blend Satanic and Lovecraftian forces into a dark whole, Dishaw has pursued other media and art projects, including a Role Playing Game and Lovecraftian paintings. This radio show appears to be his latest effort.
Some may balk at the appearance of a talk radio show melding Lovecraft with Satanic and sexual content. On the other hand, radio devoted to these subjects, much less weird fiction, is exceedingly sparse to begin with. So, Satanis may inadvertently create a prototype for a radio show based around the weird aesthetic. This would be a heady step up in terms of media for the weird, in my opinion, regardless of the wrapper its packaged in.
Keep an ear on The Ooze in the weeks to come. The hosts seem friendly enough to callers based on the episodes I've sampled, and the subjects chosen for each installment have potential to go in nearly any direction.
-Grim Blogger