The Necronomicon Project

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This "Necronomicon Project" is an older internet project that's likely been overlooked or unknown by most Lovecraftians online today. It purports to be a fully translated set of documents from the Necronomicon. Despite being a good deal shorter than most, it does a fine job of remaining strictly Lovecraftian, rather than verging into weak Sumerian mythology like the famous "Simon Necronomicon."Scrolling through the pages, the reader can also catch a few handsome sketches allegedly from the nefarious tome.

Interestingly enough, it this Necronomicon Project is hosted by Chaos Matrix. Like the Simonomicon, this website serves as a tool for practitioners of Chaos Magic. This type of occult system is a good deal more open open minded and flexible than many. Various branches have treated Lovecraftian entities like Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth as though they're real forces to summon, pray to, or use as symbols of personalized empowerment. Chaos Matrix also keeps an archive of articles discussing the links between Lovecraftian creations and chaos magic here. A read through several of these brief pieces are apt to give anyone curious an idea of how chaos occultists use Lovecraft for real life religious practices.

-Grim Blogger

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