Poe Toaster Strikes Again, Maintains Mystery

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The infamous Poe Toaster has again left his annual roses and half-full bottle of cognac at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe, according to this release from the Associated Press. The mysterious figure opted to maintain his clandestine aura, as he said in a note left with his other items, despite claims throughout the year that his identity was blown open. Samuel Porpora, church historian of the cemetery where Poe lies, outed himself as the creator of the Toaster earlier this year. He previously claimed the idea originated in an attempt to raise awareness and interest in the Baltimore churchyard, which was in a state of terrible dereliction when Porpora undertook his duties there.

Despite Porpora's explanation, doubts remain. Poe Museum curator Jeff Jerome disputes Porpora's claim, hinting at an earlier start date for the tradition than Porpora's stated 1949. Moreover, the Toaster's notes suggest an anonymous, possibly independent custom. According to the article, the original Toaster's son has taken up the mantle, after the unknown original figure's death in 1998.

I, for one, hope the honorable rite continues, with all the shadowiness accorded to it. As an aside, Poe's death and posthumous history makes for fascinating reading in of itself. The great weird author's death, obituary, and reburial are all tragic and muddled, yet appropriately odd ends to one who exerted such incredible influence on horror and weird literature.

I'll only say in closing that next year should be quite the interesting hubbub. Poe was born on January 19th, 1809. With 2009 marking his bicentennial, there ought to be festivities and reprints a plenty of his most cherished works. A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe!

-Grim Blogger

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