The House that Lovecraft Built

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Eagle, one of Sauk City's local organs, has recently put out a copy of a story about Arkham House on its online page. In their article "The House that H.P. Lovecraft Built," the newspaper discusses the rise and contemporary influence of Arkham House on their small city and beyond. The publishing company was founded in Sauk City, Wisconsin, and has enjoyed residency there for over fifty years. Wisconsin, a favorite haunt and ancestral region of Arkham House chief and Lovecraft friend August Derleth, may be far removed from Lovecraft's own New England, but not in spirit.

This article also mentions the meteoric rise of Lovecraftiana as esteemed collectibles. The Outsider and Others, published as the first Lovecraft short story collection by Derleth and Wandrei in 1939, was not a best seller. As the article notes, it took years of struggle to sell out the meager 1300 copies or so of this book at just $3.50. Today, an appearance on Ebay or other markets by this first edition always spurs frenzied bidding and high prices. No exceptions.

-Grim Blogger

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