"Fantastic Horror" Hosts Post Card Writing Contest
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"Fantastic Horror," an online forum and E-Zine, is putting on a seasonal contest asking readers to create postcards based on famous doomed characters in horror stories. Judging by the list of entrants already in the contest, the contest contains more than a few candidates directly inspired by the weird. "Fantastic Horror" proudly displays their affection for the weird in their E-Zine and forums, so the contest is very favorable to weird horror entires (with the caveat that the postcard should be based on a story well known to readers of horror). Several Lovecraftian entries have been made to the contest. Ready to make your own? Here's the 'zine's guidelines:A doomed character from a famous horror story takes a few minutes to write a postcard to somebody. The subject must be recognizable to a majority of horror fiction enthusiasts. The winner(s) will be chosen by clever foreshadowing or funniest satire. We'll collect the entries and whittle them down to a few favorites to be included in FH#9, as a "Top 5" or something where you scroll through to reach the ultimate winner.
Please note that entries must be submitted on the website through their thread linked above. This may entail registration, but it's worth it to have access to the many interesting threads cataloged in "Fantastic Horror's" online kingdom. The postcard writing contest closes in a little less than a month, on November 28th. The top five winners will be featured in the ninth issue of their publication due sometime in the near future.
The top picks will be made into postcard images like the one advertising this contest (feel free to pass that image around—let folks know the deadline is nov. 28). The ultimate winner will also have a digitally engraved (perhaps animated) trophy of handcrafted pixels to silently and tastefully boast his/her achievement to all of cyberland.
-Grim Blogger