Stephen King Waxes Philosophical

Friday, October 24, 2008 recently did an interview with Stephen King for the thirtieth anniversary of The Stand, and recorded his thoughts on subjects ranging from his novels, to current events, to the afterlife. Several strong references to Lovecraft appear in this article as well, which is fitting with King's new Lovecraftian tale "N." just around the corner. Interestingly enough, King gets questioned about his novel The Stand and its connection to religious overtones and several new apocalyptic works he is working on. Horror writers have always dealt with apocalyptic themes, only varying by the scale of the disaster, but why does it seem like many writers in the field are getting these type of questions more and more frequently? Perhaps it's a taste of the 2012 driven hysteria.

Many readers who focus on weird horror either love to have Stephen King by their side, or wouldn't touch him for a glimpse of Azathoth. Regardless, the reputable and prosperous King remains a major influence on horror and beyond. In fact, his return to the roots of more traditionally weird atmosphere in his last few projects (see his story "N." and his 2007 film "The Mist") suggests this is doubly relevant here. Love him or hate him, he always gives a good interview by cracking the door open and letting the reader gain insight into his innermost thoughts.

-Grim Blogger

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