Weird News: US Army: Reanimators?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
This article from Discovery News reports the US military is working on a scientifically Lovecraftian means of regenerating lost tissues among their personnel. Spurred by the great instance of explosion-driven trauma in Iraq, military researchers believe they will eventually be able to trigger independent regeneration of cells, limbs, and organs in the wounded. While it's not quite the sinister experimentation of Lovecraft's Dr. Herbert West, he would probably appreciate the sentiment. Moreover, the weirder implications of continuing advancement in this field easily conjure up all sorts of horrors.
Where will scientists turn when they're past the stage of mere tests in petri dishes and molds? Severed limbs? Entire cadavers? The military will have to be especially careful when working with the brain--lest they find themselves having to put down a reanimated body and echoing the refrain of Stuart Gordon's Dr. West, "Not fresh enough!"
-Grim Blogger